Articulation Agreements

Harrisburg Area Community College


参与机构同意建立项目对项目的衔接 小学和早期儿童教育协议,学生成功 完成小学和幼儿艺术副学士的要求 哈里斯堡地区社区学院(HACC),并满足入学要求 如本协议所述,将以大三学生的身份进入澳门赌场在线娱乐 小学和幼儿教育学士学位课程(PreK-4) program.

AAS Early Care & Education to BA Elementary and Early Childhood Education

参与机构同意建立项目对项目的衔接 小学和早期儿童教育协议,学生成功 完成早期护理应用科学副学士学位的要求 哈里斯堡地区社区学院(Harrisburg Area Community College, HACC)的教育课程,并满足入学要求 如本协议所述,应进入澳门赌场在线娱乐大三 在小学和幼儿教育学士学位课程的地位 (PreK-4) program.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Lackawanna College

Early Childhood Degree to Elementary and Early Childhood Education Program

拉克万纳学院和澳门赌场在线娱乐已经同意将他们的课程联系起来 对于希望完成学士学位的幼儿学位课程的学生 Elementary and Early Childhood Education program at Wilkes University. A student who 圆满完成拉克万纳学院副学士学位要求 将被授予“初级”地位,并可以完成学士学位的澳门赌场在线娱乐要求 degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Lehigh Carbon Community College

Early Childhood Education Agreement

澳门赌场在线娱乐和利哈伊碳社区学院已经达成了合作协议 协议将帮助幼儿教育毕业生转到澳门赌场在线娱乐 complete bachelor’s degrees. Students who earn an associate degree in early childhood 利哈伊碳社区学院的教育可以转入澳门赌场在线娱乐学士学位 degree program in Elementary and Early Childhood Education as a junior. As part of 根据协议,在社区大学获得的61个学分将转移到澳门赌场在线娱乐.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Luzerne County Community College

Dual Admissions Agreement

本协议的目的是为未来的学生提供利益 一个旨在保证成功进入澳门赌场在线娱乐的项目 completion of an Associate Degree program at Luzerne County Community College. This 协议还允许双方机构继续提供优质的教育 our local student population.

除了保证录取外,参加本课程的学生还将获得 special benefits throughout the program as well. Those benefits may include:

  • Attending Wilkes events like Club Day, Homecoming or athletic events.
  • 特殊学生发展计划活动,如演讲,喜剧演员或乐队.
  • 该协议的另一个好处是,参加双重录取的学生 该计划将有资格免费注册最多9个学分 in courses offered by Wilkes University. These courses must be applied to the specific degree program you intend to pursue at Wilkes.

To apply for this program, please complete and print the Dual Admissions Intent form external website and submit it to either the Counseling & Advising Center at LCCC or the Admissions Office at Wilkes University. All students are strongly encouraged to read the agreement prior to completing the Dual Admissions Intent form.

Pre-Professional to Pre-Pharmacy Articulation Agreement

完成卢塞恩县社区学院学业的合格学生 药剂学预科课程可以通过澳门赌场在线娱乐内斯比特药学院申请 简化程序,优先考虑入学面试. LCCC毕业生可以将63个学分转换为药学博士学位 学位,并可能有资格获得剩余两年的本科奖学金 studies. They must apply to Wilkes by December of their sophomore year.

在卢塞恩县社区学院为期两年的专业预科课程设计 为学生提供适当的科学背景,以进入科学为基础 professional programs such as the pharmacy degree at Wilkes. If not accepted, students 可以选择澳门赌场在线娱乐再修两年制本科学位吗 years of study.

Wilkes University Contact

Amy Patton

Associate Director
Undergraduate Admissions
(570) 408-4407

Luzerne County Community College Contact

Mary Knaus


Montgomery County Community College

Elementary and Early Childhood Education Agreement

澳门赌场在线娱乐和蒙哥马利县社区学院同意建立一个项目对项目 小学和幼儿教育双招生衔接协议 成功完成副学士学位要求的学生 在蒙哥马利县社区学院的幼儿教育专业学习,并满足入学要求 如本协议所述,应进入澳门赌场在线娱乐大三 在小学和幼儿教育学士学位课程的地位 (PreK-4) program.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Northampton Community College

Elementary and Early Childhood Education Agreement

澳门赌场在线娱乐和北安普顿社区学院同意建立一个项目对项目 小学和幼儿教育双招生衔接协议 成功完成副学士学位要求的学生 在北安普顿社区学院的幼儿教育专业学习,并满足入学要求 如本协议所述,应进入澳门赌场在线娱乐大三 在小学和幼儿教育学士学位课程的地位 (PreK-4) program.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Neumann University

PharmD Agreement

诺伊曼大学和澳门赌场在线娱乐的合作项目为期6年 doctorate program leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree. The Pre-Pharmacy 项目在诺伊曼大学允许学术合格的学生参加诺伊曼 在转到澳门赌场在线娱乐家之前在大学修了两年的药学预科课程 University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy. Students must be accepted into the Neumann 大学课程作为第一年的学生,必须完成前两年的学习 their undergraduate work at Neumann University. Because of the Neumann University 与澳门赌场在线娱乐的特殊关系,学生成功完成 诺依曼学院的两年制课程被优先考虑录取 the professional phase of the Doctor of Pharmacy Program at Wilkes University. If 不被接受,学生可以选择在诺伊曼大学完成本科学位 在生物学、文科或文科课程中学习两年以上 study.

Wilkes University Contact

Dr. Jon Ference

Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
(570) 408-4271

Salus University

Doctor of Optometery Agreement

萨勒斯大学和澳门赌场在线娱乐特此承认他们对 通过参加本课程培训初级保健的未来从业人员 Agreement. Under this Articulation Agreement, students who successfully complete the 90 semester credit Pre-Optometry curriculum at Wilkes with a 3.0 GPA or above may apply for admission to the Salus University Doctor of Optometry Program. This educational pathway is referred to as the 3+4 Doctor of Optometry Degree Program and is comprised of two phases, Phase I and Phase II:

  • Phase I is comprised of the Pre-Optometry curriculum at Wilkes (see addendum)
  • Phase II 由Salus University的3+4验光博士学位课程组成.

Wilkes University Contact

Lindsey Good

Pre-Health Advising Coordinator
Learning Center