图片由Lindsey Scorey提供.

(左起)荣誉项目主任. Jonathan Kuiken和助理导演Jen McLaughlin welcome you to 澳门赌场在线娱乐's Honor Program!

澳门赌场在线娱乐荣誉项目为自我指导、自我激励、 求知欲强的学生与有共同兴趣和抱负的人一起学习 在协作学习社区中.

一般来说,荣誉课程的组成部分使学生能够追求广度、深度和复杂性 和/或跨学科在他们的本科教育,帮助培养 知识和技能,促进学生的智力,个人和专业 development; their contributions to the Wilkes campus community; and their preparation for post-graduate success, whether through employment or continued education.

Honors components should constitute approximately 15-20% of a student’s work in a class. This could be quantified by proportion of final grade and/or by proportion 总作业.


  • 独立工作,如研究,案例研究或学生的创意项目 学科(深度学习)
  • exploration of broad themes and/or enduring questions across disciplines (breadth 的学习)
  • experiential learning, such as internships, field work and study abroad
  • 服务学习(有意识地、有目的地整合服务和学习元素)
  • residential learning community (conscious and purposeful integration of living and 学习元素)
  • 校际本科生学术竞赛,演讲/会议,和/或 出版物
  • 实验性或创新性教学法


  • trends, issues and/or best practices with在 student’s discipline
  • 学生不熟悉的社区、思想、实践、方法和/或价值观


  • 解决问题
  • 项目管理
  • critical reading (ability to evaluate evidence-based arguments and judgments)
  • critical thinking (ability to make evidence-based arguments and judgments)
  • 清晰而有说服力的写作
  • 清晰和有说服力的口头陈述
  • 艺术素养
  • metacognition (analysis of not just what is known, but also of how it comes to be 已知)
  • comfort with ambiguity, uncertainty and the unfamiliar

澳门赌场在线娱乐荣誉课程支持学术严谨的核心价值观 学术期望的常规课程),领导能力,诚信(证明 学习道德和价值观),自我意识(强调自我反思),重要性 of building community and appreciating diversity. 荣誉课程的组成部分 反映这些核心价值中的一个或多个.

See full listings for upcoming semester, and look for H/&H /曼公司的课程.

  • &H(和H)
    • An &H部分是在现有课程中增加的,其中既有荣誉学生也有非荣誉学生 招收荣誉学生是为了表明他们有机会获得荣誉吗 学分. To earn this credit, honors students must be enrolled specifically 在 &H section and they must satisfactorily complete work complementary to the 现有的教学大纲. 一个荣誉 学生只能参加2年级中的一个.5 .获得荣誉 获得荣誉学分的课程. All other honors course grades must be a minimum of 3.0.
  • H(“独立荣誉课程”)
    • H部分表示所有参加该课程的学生都完成了应该完成的工作 获得那门课的荣誉学分. Non-honors students could enroll in such a course with instructor permission, but while they would need to complete all of the same work as the honors students, they would receive only non-honors credit. 一个荣誉 学生只能参加2年级中的一个.5 .获得荣誉 获得荣誉学分的课程. All other honors course grades must be a minimum of 3.0.

荣誉学生必须遵守以下条款才有资格参加 在项目中,保留对项目资源和机会的访问, ultimately, to meet all 荣誉项目 completion requirements:


FYF 101h |荣誉一年级基金会

即将入学的荣誉学生将参加一门特殊的三学分创意写作课程 在培养写作、口语、 problem-solving, and critical thinking as well as a comfort with encountering the 模棱两可的,不确定的和/或不熟悉的. 未达到最低成绩的学生 of 2.5 for the FYF 101 Honors course 在 fall will be required to take the spring 300级荣誉创意写作课程. 被澳门赌场在线娱乐录取的学生 现在的学生——澳门赌场在线娱乐至少一个学期后——也会参加这个项目 be required to take the spring 300级荣誉创意写作课程.

HNR 390 |荣誉顶点研讨会

这个1学分的跨学科顶点研讨会是一个最终的经历 为所有未来的荣誉项目毕业生准备的. 本课程旨在明确地 engage students in reflection on what they have learned at Wilkes and how they can 在他们未来的个人和职业轨迹中推进这些技能和见解. Consequently, the course depends on students’ consistent investment in critically 评估他们在本科教育中学到了什么,这是如何 be communicated to others, and what that makes possible for future endeavors.


In addition to the above, students must take 18 additional honors credits, six of 哪个必须在300级或以上.


学生参加出国游学、实习或相关独立工作 study opportunities are eligible for honors credit waivers as described below.

  • A full semester abroad earns a waiver of 6 honors credits at the 300 level.
  • A summer 术语 abroad earns a waiver 300级的3个荣誉学分.
  • 相关的独立学习项目(由相关学科指导老师建议) 返回获得3个荣誉学分300级(通过秋季HNR 395或春季) 曼396年).
  • 一次实习,无论是在整个学期还是在夏季学期,都可以获得豁免 300级的3个荣誉学分.
  • 有相关的独立学习项目(由相关学科导师建议) 在实习期间获得3个荣誉学分,达到300级(到秋季都是395) 或春季曼396年).


  • 3.澳门赌场在线娱乐待了两个学期之后
  • 3.澳门赌场在线娱乐待了四个学期之后
  • 3.澳门赌场在线娱乐待了六个学期之后
  • 3.4 after eight 术语s at Wilkes/to meet all 荣誉项目 completion requirements

一个学生只能参加2级考试.5 .获得荣誉 获得荣誉学分的课程. All other honors course grades must be a minimum of 3.0.

低于要求的累积GPA门槛的学生将获得一个完整的 术语 to return their cumulative GPA to the minimum required.

澳门赌场在线娱乐一直鼓励学生利用所有社区的专业知识 资源,如学术支持和健康和保健服务,遇到 学业、个人或其他挑战.


All first-year honors students living on campus reside together in honors housing. 这使学生能够在一个有利的环境中开始相互联系 他们共同的价值观和愿望. While you may live 在 hall of your choice during your remaining years at Wilkes, many choose to continue living in community 和其他优等生一起.


参加荣誉课程的学生必须在两项荣誉课程中保持良好的成绩 Program Community and university 学生的行为.


Participating in 荣誉项目-sponsored activities, including meetings on campus with prominent guest speakers and engaging with prospective honors students, helps 培养知识和技能,提高智力,个人和专业 发展,对澳门赌场在线娱乐校园社区的贡献以及研究生的成功, whether through employment or continued education. 我们的每周时事通讯“荣誉” Buzz,” announces these opportunities throughout the academic year.

所有荣誉学生必须参加至少一个荣誉主办的活动 术语. This commitment is waived during a study abroad 术语. 此外,这些记录将包括在内,并由荣誉项目顾问审查 Council as a part of any competitive grant application.


Honors students must remain in good standing with regard to student conduct. 任何学生 被发现违反大学政策的学生也要接受荣誉委员会的审查 节目咨询委员会.


为校园、当地和更广泛的社区服务是澳门赌场在线娱乐的标志 荣誉项目. We believe that as individuals who have been given additional resources 我们应该投入我们的时间和才能,这是正确和公平的 to work to make the communities that we live in better and healthier environments 对每个人来说. Since this is the case, the 荣誉项目 requires at least five hours of  community service per semester to remain in good standing. 这可以采取多种方式 of forms such as working as members of campus student committees, clubs, and other 组. It can mean participating in regular or temporary volunteer work, service trips, service to a place of worship, service-related travel, etc. 学生将提交 a form each semester documenting their community service activities. 未能提交 这个表格,或满足要求的门槛,每学期五个小时将产生 失去了良好的地位. 此外,这些记录将包括在内,并由荣誉项目顾问审查 Council as a part of any competitive grant application.


  • Communicating characteristic topics, methodologies and professional concerns.
  • Associated with their respective disciplines to non-expert audiences.
  • 与各自学科内外的其他人合作, 完成共同的目标.
  • 计划和管理长期项目,平衡个人责任与协调 与团队同事.
  • 组织和提供连贯的工作演示,从提出前景 阐明循证结果的任务.
  • Specifying and critically assessing continuities as well as discontinuities across personal Wilkes educational trajectory and future endeavors.

澳门赌场在线娱乐 荣誉项目 students are encouraged to use their Enhancement Grants to fund participation in co-curricular opportunities such as undergraduate 研究和参加专业会议,有国际学习经历,独立自主 研究和无薪实习.

关于什么类型的资金可以提供给你的问题应该直接 通过访问办公室(Stark Learning Center 120-122)或发送电子邮件获得荣誉项目 詹妮弗·麦克劳克林. An Enhancement Grant can be used to support experiences such as international or 国内学习,实习,或其他超出你的领域的机会 研究需要. Funding cannot be issued in cash, nor can it be used for Wilkes tuition 或费用.

MORE INFORMATION about Resources and Opportunities


  • 荣誉的办公室:
    SLC 262
  • 荣誉休息室:
    SLC 258
  • 荣誉的教室:
    SLC 260